Issues with z probe

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom (Artillery sidewinder body w/ clay 3d print extruder and metal tap probe system
MCU / Printerboard: E3EZ and cb1

Describe your issue:

Halfway through probing the bed it exclaims z probe triggered prior to movement. The probe issue seems to be very inconsistent and I’m not sure exactly whats causing it.

klippy.log (307.7 KB)

Usually this means the probe is either electrically or mechanically not stable, e.g. an inductive probe that is too near to the bed or too near to other disturbances and it gets trigger although it should not.

In your case, I’m not so sure since if you look at the log:

SDCARD_RESET_FILE cannot be run from the sdcard
SDCARD_RESET_FILE cannot be run from the sdcard
virtual_sdcard on_error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 318, in _probe
    epos = self.mcu_probe.probing_move(pos, speed)
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 549, in probing_move
    return phoming.probing_move(self, pos, speed)
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 266, in probing_move
    raise self.printer.command_error(
gcode.CommandError: Probe triggered prior to movement

The message about SDCARD_RESET_FILE occurs first and the only place that actively calls this command is your CANCEL_PRINT macro.

Its vision switch that uses a metal bar to interrupt the beam when the probe is open.

I disconnected the cable to the sensor and reconnected it and its working again but I wonder what the underlying issue is. Is there something wrong with the code thats causing it to pull sdcard_reset_file? Do you need the .cfg to diagnose that?

Its the optotap