Klipper don't connect the printer

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Geeetech Mizar S
MCU / Printerboard: STM32F103

klippy.log (40.5 KB)

printer.cfg (7.6 KB)

Hello everyone,
I have the following problem Klipper does not connect to the printer. I got the printer.cfg from github. I created the printer firmware using “make menuconfig”. I got the parameters from printer.cfg.
When installing the firmware on the printer, the display only shows ‘Download done’. After restarting the printer, the display remains black - is that OK?
Otherwise the MCU cannot establish a connection to the printer.

Can someone please help me, I have seen that the Mizar S runs with Klipper but no one gives information on how to install Klipper.


U. Haas

Hello @UHaas !

serial = /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.1.3:1.0-port0
restart_method = command

This serial looks quite unusual

Is it that what you got from

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

Can you share the results here?

Yes, the display is not supported by Klipper.

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately the printer still doesn’t connect to klipper.

So, what do you get from

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
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yes, that’s exactly what you entered, see picture…

I’m starting to think that the printer.cfg or the parameters for the board are not correct.


That one is different to that in the klippy.log

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Thanks, my mistake uploaded the current log file again.

There is still an issue:

mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/serialhdl.py", line 68, in _get_identify_data
    params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/serialhdl.py", line 261, in send_with_response
    return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/serialhdl.py", line 318, in get_response
    self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/serialhdl.py", line 253, in raw_send_wait_ack
    self._error("Serial connection closed")
  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/serialhdl.py", line 61, in _error
    raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed

Have you checked a different USB cable?
Is the connection ok and printer powered on?

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Yes, I’ve already used 3 different cables, all of which work with an Arduino without any problems.

Yes, the printer has a fan running.

Have you successfully got the Klipper firmware onto the printer?

Yes, I think, as already written, the display only shows ‘Download done’, nothing else. I waited 5 minutes before restarting the printer.

I guesss there are two versions of your printer board around.

Some have “real” STM32 MCU some have a clone from GigaDevice. That’s why Geeetech writes about “Disable SWD at startup (for GigaDevice stmf32f103 clones)” at the top of your printer.cfg.

Which one is placed on your printer board?

Good luck, hcet14

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Thanks for the tip, I couldn’t find anything on the board, so I just switched to Clone with the same result - the printer doesn’t connect. I see via dmes that the ch341-uart is attached to ttyUSB0

ok on here now UHaas my connection is as follows…
serial: /dev/ttyUSB0
if USB0 does not work try USB1

i never got mine to work by ID but it does work everytime with USB0 or USB1

Here is my printer.cfg for reference
printer.cfg (8.2 KB)

I used several SD cards (FAT32). everyone has the same problem, I see that right, STM32f103 is not a clone? This chip is installed on my board, see picture.

Does it actually matter whether I use Mainsail or Fluidd?

Sorry, I’m a total beginner, hence these questions.

klippy.log (22.8 KB)
klippy (2).log (24.8 KB)

Here my Klipper-Config

UHaas most odd i have the same date and version board, wonder why mine works and your does not

I can use either mainsail or fluidd on mine.

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