Klipper for Creality Ender 3 V3

This configuration file can be used.
Stepper motors do not overheat.
MS35774 stepping motor driver.

Video in Ukrainian - https://youtu.be/LrBiwabN-Y8


I’m having the weird aspect of not being able to flash anything to the mainboard. I can update the display with the Creality display firmware, but if I try to do the firm ware for either Klipper or the official Creality firmware, no luck. Formatted it FAT32 with 4096 byte blocks, even tried it with 8K blocks. Turn the machine on with the card in and all I get is the blue screensaver screen. I let it sit for over an hour at one point, still nothing.

Is it actually possible to have a system where you literally cannot flash the mainboard? I did a few prints with it out of the box, but trying to flash new firmware? At the moment I have a $200 brick.

What type of SD Card do you have?

As discussed recently, finding an older SD Card with around 4G is generally the best bet.

You are aware that Klipper does not support the original V3 display, right?

In answer to both mykepredko and Sineos:

The SD card I’m using is the one that came with the device - took all the files off it and formatted it as per the instructions (Windows 11 machine, if that’s important). Copied just the firmware BIN file onto the card.

As for the blue screensaver, it shows up IMMEDIATELY upon powering up. I’ve no way of knowing whether or not the firmware update has actually happened. I tend to think that the klipper one isn’t, because after inserting and powering on, then letting it sit for nearly an hour, I am completely unable to get Fluidd to admit that the device in question might be able to run klipper.

Does the V3 SE have a bootloader installed, or do I have to do what was required for the early model Ender 3 and connect via Arduino to install one?

You do not have such an indication in Klipper anyway. Even with supported displays, they will stay blank until you have a working host connection.

  1. Flash as indicated
  2. Run ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/*
  3. Mod your printer.cfg with the result
  4. Restart Klipper: systemctl restart klipper
  5. Check or post klippy.log (preferably in a new thread)
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I had the same problem. Windows creates an invisible directory. It must be in the bottle only this one bin file on it otherwise it does not work.I have the whole mounted under Linux and the verzeichniss deleted now it worked.the display remains blue because it is not in the Printer.cfg eingestelt or supported.

WOW Thanks ! I have this Problem and now i would like to test it.

THANKS, it works great.
It’s my first printer, I’ve had it for 14 days, so I was worried, but it turned out to be good at first.
My motors just get crazy hot, should that remove the current limit setting?