Klipper screen and Mainsail show different Z values


Mainsail will show Z 10.00 while Klipper Screen shows 9.77 in addition my nozzle will be .23 to high
and try to print in the air when I start a print. If I adjust Z by .23 it prints on the bed.

I’m stumped.

This is likely related to bed mesh and probe/endstop offsets. Without a log it’s not possible to know for sure.

You good sir are %100 correct. I had Klipper screen running on my PI4, an old school green LCD screen on my SKR-3 and the values on my computer\browser I removed the LCD with no change.

I then commented out the bed mesh in my printer.cfg and then the values matched between Klipper screen and webpage, as well as my Z-offset suddenly worked!!!

And seeing how I am running twin Z steppers (on one Stepper driver for now) and from what I understand I will not be able to use Bed Mesh with Z tilt anyways.