Since i updated my klipper the klipper screen is showing
Option “moonracker_host” not recognized for section “[main]”
Option “moonracker_port” not recognized for section “[main’]”
I want to provide the kliperscreen.log but I do not know how… please help a newbie
I think host and port go under the printer definition not under the main section… here is a copy of mine
moonraker (2).conf (574 Bytes)
So I’ve got the same problem already since 3 months now, but this was only shown on my touchscreen.
Do the following steps:
- log into your machine using the web interface (mainsail, fluid, …)
- go to the machine section where you can find all the config files
- open the KlipperScreen.conf
- first line will be [main] right below it there will be two lines moonraker_host and moonraker_port
- delete those lines and save with rebooting.
Enjoy your now loading KlipperScreen on your touchscreen.
Hope this will do it.
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Wow! That’s fantastic Sneaky Jon