Receiving error "Section 'server' is not a valid config section"

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4r2
MCU / Printerboard: Fysetc Spider V2.2 and Raspberry Pi 4B
klippy.log (43.7 KB)

Describe your issue:

Brand new Voron 2.4r2 build. Fresh install of Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, and Klipperscreen using KIAUH. Spider board flashed via SD card and serial obtained for printer.cfg. Every time I try to boot the system, Klipper throws this error that ‘server’ is not a valid configuration. I have tried everything I can think of to alter the moonraker.conf server section, but it never makes a difference. I am too new to this kind of thing, and I have quickly exhausted my options due to a lack of basic knowledge. My pared down moonraker.conf server section currently looks like this:
port: 7125
klippy_uds_address: /home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock
However, I have tried quite a few different configurations over the last couple of days trying to find some combination that didn’t throw an error.
Any assistance that someone might be able to provide would be very much appreciated by this hopeless beginner. Thank you in advance, and please let me know if any other information is needed.

Where did you find this config template?
This is a mix-up between the Moonraker configuration that goes into the moonraker.conf file and the Klipper configuration in printer.cfg

Best thing is to start over, set up a new RPi and use KIAUH to get you started. For the printer.cfg refer to

Note that the hardware revisions of the Spider boards have subtle differences in their pins. Cross-check with

Thank you so much for your quick response and guidance. As soon as I read your reply, I figured out what I did wrong. Even still, I went ahead and started from scratch with another fresh install, reflashed the board, and created a new printer.cfg (checking all the Spider pins). Everything seems to be working. I guess now it’s time to dive into initial start-up procedures and calibration. Very excited to finally see things coming together after my first build experience. Thank you.

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