Printer Model: Anycubic Kobra Max
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Pi Catboat KLIPPER / Trigorilla_Pro_AV1.0.4 klippy-5.log (2.3 MB)
Every time I home All Axisi I get a "Move out of range:-7.000 18.9997 5.00 [0.00]. I spent some time, and got the print bed orientated properly…by that I mean moving the nozzle to the extremes and it lines up with the print bed. The only other issue I have see is when I run the bed-mesh-calibration the graph looks like a ghost from PacMan. and my Y stepper seem much louder than it was before moving to Klipper.
Please roast my config, I can take it. I used a sample from a Facebook group, and tweeked it compared to what I see in one from this site AND a working Klipper setup on my Ender 3.
Thanks Sineos! I feel like I have the bed coordinates set up correctly , but I’ll have to double check.
I guess my hang up with the second link is “the probe” with the Anycubic Kobra Max (and others I assume) the probe is the nozzle with a sense/pressure gauge. And how would this come in to play with a simple homing. During homing the steppers shouldn’t move out side limits since it takes place in the middle of the bed.
So I’ll answer the Probe and Bed_Mesh queries you made…there is not offset, as there is no probe. My printer is an AnyCubic Kobra (1) Max, it has a 410mmX410mmX450mm print field. The probe is a strain guage on the hotend, so it taps the nozzle around for the mesh. I am not sure your question about the tmctrigorilla stepper_x section. That was in two diff. sample configs for this printer, that I looked at, so I left them in. Trigorilla is the brand of system board in my printer, I assumed it was required. I don’t know though.
As for the No TMC section, I’ll need to look in to that. I am not sure what should be in it or what is required or expected. I’ll reserch that today and see what I can come up with. Thanks again for looking at my issues. It is very helpful.
So I think that particular config, the one you linked, is only to be used for the Anycubic MAX if one desolders a resistor from the main board. If you choose not to modify the board, they say to use a CatBoat version of Kilpper.
Back to your previous suggestion, though…I tried changing the TMC stepper_X to 2209 or whatever, and the printer will not function at all, I swapped it back to TMCtrigorilla and it works just fine, so I think I’ll leave it. Maybe it has something to do with the Catboat version of Klipper I am running. Anyway, I did some interweb hunting and figured out what is causing the main issue I am having, from the title of this post (Move out of range while Auto homing). I removed this entry and I no longer get the error:
move_to_previous: true
I still don’t know why my BebMesh looks so out of whack, but I’ll call this a small victory and I’ll start sorting out the Bedmesh next. Thanks again Sineos for your help.