Move out of range when doing Bed_Mesh_Calibrate

V2.4 R2 with Klicky Proble.
Doing Homing of all axis no errors occur.
Doing QGL, Probe_Calibrate or Probe_Accuracy, all OK.
Docking and undocking klicky proble also ok.
If i press Bed_Mesh_Calibrate, the toolhead picks up the probe, goes to the center bed or park position and gantry starts to go down and it stops about 10mm to the bed and the error appears:
Move out of range: 20.000 -5.000 10.000 [0.000]

I am sure i missed some configuration.

Sending Klipper Log for the experts.
klippy.log (2.0 MB)

You have to calculate the offset of the probe into the mesh boundaries.

pin = EBBCan: PB8
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 25.0
z_offset = -10
speed = 10.0
samples = 3
samples_result = median
sample_retract_dist = 3.0
samples_tolerance = 0.006
samples_tolerance_retries = 3
speed = 240
horizontal_move_z = 10
mesh_min = 20, 20
mesh_max = 290, 290
probe_count = 5,5
fade_start = 1.0
fade_end = 10.0
mesh_pps = 2,2
algorithm = bicubic
bicubic_tension = .2
move_check_distance = 5
relative_reference_index = 12
step_pin = PG0
dir_pin = PG1
enable_pin = !PF15
rotation_distance = 40
microsteps = 32
full_steps_per_rotation = 200
endstop_pin = PG9
position_min = 0
position_endstop = 300
position_max = 300
homing_speed = 25
homing_retract_dist = 5
homing_positive_dir = true

You have a min Y size of 0.
Your mesh Y min is 20
The Y offset of the probe is 25.

So the printer tries to go to Y -5 with the nozzle to reach Y 20 with the probe - that is not possible.

Yeap, Thank you.
Problem solved. :+1:

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I have the same problem and it does it when printing also. I have an Ender 6 I have installed a Revo Hemera with BL-Touch and I am getting move out of range errors when the extruder goes near the back of the build plate. Ender 6 bed is 250x250 but due to extruder change it is now 220x250. I have tried to get help from many youtubers but as usual they never answer help requests. Any help would be appreciated. I am new to Klipper and my printer.cfg file is likely not right.
printer.cfg (6.1 KB)

Hello @Dooley136 !

During print, it is no problem when the BLtouch leaves the print area. Except it crashes into something.

Afaik, the x/y endstops with the Ender 6 are mounted to the rails.

The bed size and the endstops are still the same even after the mod with the new extruder. Only the usable area changed. Or did you move the position of the x endstop?
Can you slowly move the printhead to their endstops with nothing in the way?

Else try these settings:

step_pin: PB8
dir_pin: PB7
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PA5
position_endstop: 250
position_max: 220
position_min: -0.99
homing_speed: 50

step_pin: PC2
dir_pin: !PB9
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PA6
position_endstop: 250
position_max: 250
position_min: -0.99
homing_speed: 50

No I can’t move the extruder all the way to the front as the parts cooling fan is mounted to the front of the Hemera and hits the front rail hence the 220mm setting. I originally converted it to the Biqu H2 extruder and followed the 3d print beginner guide but found the extruder to be rubbish so now have the Revo Hemera. Will try these settings and let you know thanks.

Tried your settings but got an error saying stepper x end stop position had to be within min and max. I changed them to this which works and the bed mesh calibration finishes with no errors now. The only problem I can see now is the bed mesh calibration seems alot smaller than the bed. Do you think my bl-touch bed mesh settings are correct?. Thanks so much for your help.
printer.cfg (6.1 KB)

Ok played with the bed mesh settings and got it perfect, now I just have to get the extruder homing to the center of the bed and it’s done. Thanks so much for the help I have included my printer.cfg in case it can help anyone else.
printer.cfg (6.1 KB)

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A post was split to a new topic: Move out of Range during Mesh Calibrate