Basic Information:
Printer Model: BTT Manta M8P
MCU / Printerboard: STM32G0B1
Host / SBC: BTT CB1
klippy.log (460.5 KB)
Hi, I am a new user of klipper and am trying to make my own 3D printer with BigTree Tech mother board. I wonder if there is a way to setup dual-direction communication between the klipper and a laptop (or Raspberry Pi), so I can collect and manipulate the data easily?
What I have achieved so far:
- Passing “GET_POSTION” or “M114” through touch screen and Mainsail interface. The head positions are displayed correspondingly.
- Using " biqu@BTT-CB1:~$ echo GET_POSITION > ~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial" by ssh connection. The position data is displayed on the touch screen. (This is very close to what I need.)
What I want to achieve:
I would like the klipper sending the position data back through ssh connection, so I can collect and pass the data to another programme, which turns an LED array on and off in a certain pattern.
The suggestion I have got and still under developed:
“…use some daemon to listen on this endpoint, … You could work with some socat magic to listen on the PTY…” As I am lacking of knowledge in computer science, I have not made it work yet. If anyone could give any related links (docs or video tutorial), I will be very appreciate.
Other thoughts:
There might be other ways to bypass this problem? As I can get the postion data by Mainsail on chrome browser, could I use some webpage technic to grab the postion data out of the page? Or using the SPI/UART pins on the BTT Manta board to send a coded position data to another microcontroller (e.g. arduino or the GPIO pins on the BTT CB1).
Thanks in advnace.