Basic Information:
Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:
bigFreeTech manta m5p board
any ideas what i can do to make it work?
klippy.log (1.4 MB)
Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:
bigFreeTech manta m5p board
any ideas what i can do to make it work?
klippy.log (1.4 MB)
The first thing you can do is follow the instructions you were given when you did the first post.
Attach your 'klippy.log
as a file, don’t cut and paste it into the post.
apologies, first time posting on a discourse, original post is edited
If I’m reading the klippy.log
correctly, Klipper is unable to communicate with the TMC2130s on your board.
How did you set the jumpers on the board and are you sure of your IO pins (especially for the SPI bus)? What references did you use?
i used the following manual to configure my board
i connected m1 m2 m3a and m4 like the screenshot above so driver is configured for SPI and diag pin is connected
for the rest the only thing i have connected to the board is the temperature sensor for the extruder
also worth noting is that i used the default manta m5p config from klipper and then tried adding the tmc 2130 with virtual endstops but it never worked
In your klippy.log
file, you have defined your SPI pins as per:
[tmc2130 stepper_x]
driver_sgt = 63
cs_pin = PD9
spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5
spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7
spi_software_miso_pin = PA6
run_current = 1
sense_resistor = 0.075
diag1_pin = ^!PD3
But, when I look at the M5P’s schematic:
These pins are defined for other functions:
Where did you get these pins to use? The CS pins look correct, but I don’t see any kind of connection between PA5-PA7 to the TMC2130s.
I think you should be using the “LCDSD” pins which are PB13-PB15 (they go through level shifting buffers U18 & U20) and get converted to “MOT” SPI pins.
hey ive tried setting software spi to pins PB 13 - 15
and using spi_bus: spi2 as per reference config
please find them in the last 2 runs in the klippy.log
klippy.log (1.6 MB)
still same result
Check your config against
i reset back to the config given here with the following changes
commented out heated bed as i don’t have it hooked up
changed extruder sensor type to PT1000 (I have a PT100 for now but it registers in klipper)
removed the comment of tmc 2130 stepper x
for the rest i didnt change anything
printer.cfg (3.5 KB)
klippy.log (152.8 KB)
Triple check your board jumpers. From your pictures above, I doubt that they are correct: