If the MCU host is activated in the printer.cfg the error message “Can not update MCU ‘mcu’ config as it is shutdown” appears after a system start or restart.
Raspberry Pi as MCU
[mcu host]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu
The mcu host is only integrated and has no further function (integration test).
FIRMWARE_RESTART fixes the problem temporarily until the next reboot.
After deactivating the mcu host klipper starts without problems.
After updating all the components, I did the [RPi Microcontroller - Klipper Documentation] (RPi microcontroller - Klipper documentation) again (3rd try). I made a pseudo change in menuconfig to save the new configuration. Then make clean and make flash.
Same system behavior
The Raspberry is a 3b. I am using the MainSail OS Linux build.
Basically it should work though, right?
A delayed start of Klipper did not bring the solution either.
I guess I will do without mcu host or try a complete reinstall.
klipper_mcu.service needs to be started before the main Klipper service by the Linux OS. Above you can see that on my system the klipper_mcu.service is started under the default target before anything else.