After getting another ender 3 I thought I would save some money and go for the RPi Zero 2W rather than another RPi 4. I’ve never had any issues with the Pi 4’s.
For whatever reason I seem to be having some serious problems. It performs exactly like the RPi 4, only using about 4% of the CPU and never more than half the ram, yet I have MCU lost connection issues.
The disconnects behave really weirdly. Sometimes I’ll try print the same item several times and the printer will disconnect at a similar place. Then it will last longer on another print etc.
It disconnects even when idle, but its hard to say how often.
Sometimes I’ll try a fix and it will be better, but then it will start happening again.
Thing’s I’ve tried:
Wiggling the cable and checking if it disconnects (It doesn’t)
Complete reinstall of Klipper + Mainsail
Tried with a different printer, also running a 4.2.7 board
Swapping from by-id to by-path in the serial section of the config.
Masking Modem manager
Reflashing printer firmware
Removing modem manager seemed to fix it for around 12 hours, and I thought it was all sorted, but it’s back again.
I just cannot wrap my head around what could be going on. It’s definitely a Pi issue, the printers work fine with the other Pi’s.
I would really appreciate some help. The RPi Zero 2W seems great, it’s much cheaper and plenty powerful so I’d love to be able to use it.