MCU 'mcu' error during config: Unable to open out GPIO chip line

On a brand new installation of raspian, klipper, host_mcu, Moonraker, and fluidd, I am still getting an error where my manual_stepper is “working” until I define the TMC2130 which breaks something about gpio???

“working” because the motor isn’t actually turning but that’s a different issue for now.

klippy (3).log (90.1 KB)

Use cs_pin: None. On a separate note, it’s not recommended to control a stepper with a Pi. You are unlikely to get good results. From the Pi sample config:

The rpi microcontroller is used on non time-critical functions such as enclosure sensors, additional fan or light sources

Thanks, I’ll give that a shot

It’s not a time sensitive project so im not worried. The motor turns, that’s all that I care about