Mcu shutdown during printing

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Neptune 3 Max
MCU / Printerboard: ZNP Robin Nano DW v2.2
Host / SBC: Debian 12 Desktop PC

The printer is shutting down during printing. So far i tried different cables, different OS, and all the recommendations that i was able to find online.

moonraker (1).log (42.4 KB)

klippy (3).log (6.5 MB)

Please advise.

Hello @Digi !

In the log I fount just one issue:

b'Got EOF when reading from device'

More on this:

Does that happen frequently?

Hello Ewald

it happens constantly since the day that i installed Klipper to the machine. I haven’t being able to finish a single print. Same experience even on a different machine running Ubuntu Desktop.

The issue is with the printer resp. the connection to the printer.
Have you checked the printer’s PSU and the connections to the printer?

So basically it is a hardware issue, not a software right? I thought it might be something with USB going into standby mode. I haven’t tested the PSU but I will asap, what else do I need to check while I am there?

Basically everything that is mentioned in the link I posted before.

Ok I will go through them meticulously and report back.

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