Basic Information:
Printer Model: Artilerry Sidewinder X1
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Gen L
klippy.log (1.7 MB)
Actually I thought we had this fixed in Move exceeds maximum extrusion (occasionally)
But this insane issue keeps coming back. It happens only occasionally and therefore kind of annoying as it is not 100% reproducible.
So in the last thread @gaolst helped me to figure out that my purge line:
G1 X10 Y260.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E25 ; first line
# issue happens around here
G1 X15 Y260.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E26 ; small move to the right
G1 X15 Y25 Z0.3 F1500.0 E51 ; and back
G92 E0 ; reset Extruder
G1 Z1.0 F3000
on G1 X15 Y260.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E26
is trying to extrude to much filament (although I never had issues on marlin), and therefore Klipper stops it due to max_extrude_cross_section = 2.0
However Klipper does so only occasionally for some reason. So our fix was to lower the extrusion amount. I lowered it to:
G1 X15 Y260.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E25.54
Now with this considerably lower extrusion amount it seemed to work.
But today, I am getting the error message again:
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (12.281mm^2 vs 2.000mm^2)
I have therefore lowered the value even more:
G1 X15 Y260.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E25.31
Now, when Klipper prints the purge line, the line (on a small move to the right) is noticably thinner than the rest of the purge line (!). That means to me, that there should be no issues with the extrusion.
But still on the next print, Klipper will abort and refuse to print the above command with:
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (12.176mm^2 vs 2.000mm^2)
It never complains about the other commands.
So according to Klipper output, that move is considerably over the allowed extrusion. However the line is already thinner than the rest of the purge line. Therefore I do not understand why Klipper still aborts it.
Am I missing something essential? I don’t know.