No min_extruder_temp setting, as such I cannot configure e-steps on my Ender3-V3

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 V3
MCU / Printerboard: gd32f303xe
Host / SBC: The printer itself
printer.cfg (7.1 KB) (5.9 MB)

I wanted to configure e-steps on my printer, however, trying to do so makes me get the error on the title

more especifically: {“code”:“key111”, “msg”: “Extrude below minimum temp See the ‘min_extrude_temp’ config option for details”, “values”: }

, this line does not appear in my config and forcing it, whether while commenting or not commenting out pid extrusion settings, or just jamming it in, gives me additional errors.

I have guppyflow and updated klipper from the helper script, does anyone have any idea of why this is happening??

Many thanks and sorry for the mid english :smiley:

Hello @emefedez !

It appears that Klipper is not genuine and runs on a Sonic Pad or similar.

It’'s hard to say what they have done to Klipper that present you these issues.

unfortunate, still, thanks! it seems that they have different instructions on one of their blogs so I’ll see if I can get it to work that way.