Sonic Pad abnormal temps

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 S1 Plus
MCU / Printerboard:
Host / SBC : Sonic Pad
klippy.log (724.9 KB)


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Describe your issue:

Hi, I just installed this upgrade kit on my Ender 3 S1 Plus ( and now my temps in Fluiid look like this

and I always get the “abnormal temperature” warning on the Sonic Pad

Bad news for you about the Sonic Pad. It’s a Creality modified version that isn’t the same as regular Klipper that we all use. It’s nearly extremely hard to debug because they made extensive modifications to the code.

See the KB article here:

Thanks for that info but I’m pretty sure it’s a thermistor issue. Since it worked before I upgraded the hotend and thermistor

Regardless of what the issue is, we don’t offer support for the Sonic pad. You need to contact Creality.

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Okay, well I dont know where else to ask then since it is not a sonic pad issue im sure its a thermistor which is wrongly configured in Klipper

Your configuration looks fine, Temps that high usually mean a bad connection of some sort.

This is assuming you got a 100k thermistor.


A:) Broken connection at the thermistor
B.) Broken connection at the pin header/on the board
C.) Broken connection on the cable somewhere

Did you get an “ADC out of bounds” error? Or whatever the wording was?

Actually, Googling it, It looks like a ton of people are having/had issues with that same hot end setup. People have various fixes you might try.

All in all, your config looks fine. It’s something electrically wrong, and again, with temps that high it’s nearly 100% a broken connection somewhere.

Thanks for this info, do you have links for the sollutions you found?
Yes I got the ADC out of range error. Okay well there is no obvious connection faulty right now but idk I will look again even though I dont really know where to start since I am pretty new to this whole klipper thing

I closed the tab now, but all I did was Google “Creality Sprite Temperature Sensor” and there was a bunch of Reddit posts.

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