Non-print moves?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR mini e3 v3

Describe your issue:

Hey! im running some tests with small nozzle and low print speeds, for just good quality, sharp corners etc.

And that works good until i need retract. Im using firmware retraction! But the travel speed is bound to print speed i.e 30 mm/s

And with that low non-print move speed, stringing is almost a certain… So how can i move for 100 mm/s while retracted and 30 mm/s whilst printing?

In slicer i could just set this up easy without firmware retraction, but is it possible in klipper?

See firmware_retraction

Thats just speed of the extruder not actually the printheads moves after retracted :man_shrugging:

extruder only moves

Sorry, apparently I misunderstood your intention. What you are searching for, is commonly referred to as “travel speed” and not part of firmware retraction. You need to set it in the slicer

So how would i set this up? Without making it messy for klipper?

Im using super slicer.

Should i set print speeds to 20% or 20mm/s and travel speed 100% or 100mm/s in slicer

And klipper velocity to 100mm/s

Does it matter if using mm/s or % speeds in slicer?

You can’t set travel speed to percentage in SuperSlicer:


  • mm/s is absolute
  • % is relative to a certain value

Yeah you are right! So absolute numbers for travel speed and then use relative for print moves so klipper can do its magic with input shaping or whatever that uses it?

Relative values refer to Default speed.


It makes it more easy when you want to change all speeds.

Ah makes sense! Will do some tests later! Thx!

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