Pressure Advance, filament retraction, and factor

Basic Information:

stock Anycubic Mega Zero 2 (MCU=ATmega1284P, Display=ST7920)

Describe your issue:

Walking thru the Check procedures following initial Klipper install. Completed the basic procedures and now working on Pressure Advance which seems to overlap to some degree with what filament retraction does. Should filament retraction be reset to defaults prior to starting PA cal?

The PA cal procedure states to issue the below command for Bowden setups. That’s fine except that my extruder has a geared setup and a much smaller rotation distance 7.4 versus the default 33.5. So, I experimentally bump the FACTOR up to .050. I’ve actually tried it with both .020 and .050 factor values and each time yet Klipper reports that it is using only .0015. This is despite issuing RESTART and FIRMWARE_RESTART. What gives?


klippy.log (6.1 MB)