Pressure advance no difference

Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Aurora A5
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Gen_L V2.1
Host / SBC: RPi 4b
klippy.log!: (816.9 KB)

PA 0-1:

PA 1-2:

Hi, my problem is, that changing my pressure advance value doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’m running a Bowden setup with quite a bit of play in the pneumatic hose connectors. In the 2 photos you can see me first trying a pressure advance value of 0-1 in 0.02 steps and the second image I’m trying a value of 1-2. At 1.6 and beyond the extruder started skipping. Any clue what I could do? Or should I just leave the Pressure advance at 0?

After messing around a bit with the settings I found out that my speed and acceleration were set to high.