Printer main board not flashing klipper

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 s1
MCU / Printerboard: Creality V2.4.S1 Silent MotherBoard
Host / SBC: Raspberry pi 3 b+
klippy.log (352 Bytes)

Describe your issue:

I am trying to flash klipper to my printer but then i put sd card to it, the printer dosent flash and is jus displaying the splash screan. I used official guid of installing klipper

According to your log, your setup seems completely off, i.e. Klipper and its dependencies not correctly installed.

Either follow the information provided here or here

For properly flashing the printer board, follow the information on top of klipper/config/printer-creality-ender3-s1-2021.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub and the information in Issues flashing the printer board should issues occur. In particular, it is important to unmistakeably identify the MCU type of your board

can you say that is off.

i followed this OctoPrint for Klipper - Klipper documentation and this Installation - Klipper documentation intallation guides.

From the log it looks like Klipper is not installed at all or at least not correctly.
I’d recommend to diligently compare your steps with the steps in the mentioned guides and in doubt follow them once again.

why i get this error

I’d recommend not to use KIAUH v6, so answer the respective question at startup with 2) No

Further, DO NOT run such scripts or Klipper as root. Always use a dedicated user account and check out KIAUH in the home folder of this user.

if i am intalling klipper on top of octopi how sould i connect klipper to octo print. and if i anstall fluid wont theweb interfaces conflict with each other

See Klipper Architecture / Ecosystem for a better understanding how these things interact.

Octoprint, Mainsail and fluidd are different user-interfaces that are able to control Klipper. If you have no experience with any of them, I recommend to either go with fluidd or Mainsail.

During the installation, KIAUH will make sure that multiple web-interfaces do not interfere with each other.

i have octo print installed on my pi. i used octoprint before with marlin. what sould i do to integrate klipper with octoprint

KIAUH let’s you also install OctoPrint.

Some things are different then:

  • HAproxy is removed, you have to connect to OctoPrint via port :5000
  • The connection to Klipper is via virtual port: /home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial

Moonraker and OctoPrint use different folders for storing the gcode files.

You have to decide for a proper workflow to use either

  • OctoPrint


  • Moonraker with Mainsail or fluid

Or you start from scratch and go just with OctoPrint with:

  • A ready to use RasPi image that contains OctoPi, OctoPrint and Klipper available with the Raspberry Pi Imager


how sould access fluid

You can install Fluidd by KIAUH and assign it a different port (:81) in case the usual one is already occupied by Mainsail (:80)

And you need the IP address of the Pi

I am trying to flash firmware into my printer. I am following the instructions in the config file that is in the git hub but the printer just turns on and do not boot into klipper but just suts at the creality logo.

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