Problem with flashing firmware

I have got my Sunlu T3 for about a year now and as I bought a klipper printer recently I wanted to upgrade my T3 with Klipper as well. I have an Orange Pi Zero 2W with Klipper, Moonraker and Crownsnest dowloaded. I have added the T3 config and compliled a firmware for the printer However, no matter what I do. I cant get it to work after flashing. I had to scp the file from my orange pi to my pc and flash it through an sd card so maybe that is the issue but I am not sure and as this is my first time doing Klipper upgrade I am not sure how to move forward. Thanks in advance for any tips
klippy (3).log (228.8 KB)

Hello @Premier !

You may try this:

serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_00000000000

instead of this:

serial = dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_00000000000

You missed the “/” in front of dev

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Thanks! I will try that when I get home. I just have one question. Is it normal that printer screen shows nothing?

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AFAIK, after a successful flash of Klipper: Yes.

Update: I have added the slash as you recommended. However it seems to be still not working. I wanted to reflash the printer and verify if I had chosen every config correctly but I came across another issue. I will add klippy log and screenshot of the cmd.
klippy (3).log (82.7 KB)
Screenshot 2024-02-16 142511
Thank you again for your time and insight

This is strange.
Please change to the klipper folder and issue following commands

cd ~/klipper #change to Klipper folder
make distclean
make menuconfig # use the settings for your board

If any errors occur, please copy the complete output here formatted as code.

Maybe Klipper got corrupted somehow? I can try fresh install and see what will happen. I actually tried updating it but to no avail. This is what I got:

orangepi@sunlu:~$ cd klipper
orangepi@sunlu:~/klipper$ make distclean
out/src/adccmds.d:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.
orangepi@sunlu:~/klipper$ make menuconfig
out/src/adccmds.d:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.
orangepi@sunlu:~/klipper$ make
out/src/adccmds.d:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.


git reset --hard master --

in the klipper folder OR

cd ~
rm -rf ~/klipper
git clone

then try again.

Thank you, Klipper now works fine and shows no errors. I have compiled new firmware and uploaded it to the printer just in case. However I do believe that the original problem remains the same. I am attaching klippy log and moonraker log just in case that helps to diagnose the issue.
klippy (5).log (42.9 KB)
moonraker (1).log (46.0 KB)

This looks not correct. There should be an unique serial instead of all 0.

Likely, your board is not correctly flashed or you made mistakes during make menuconfig.
See Issues flashing the printer board and strictly adhere to the information on top of klipper/config/printer-sunlu-t3-2022.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub
Also inspect your MCU chip to get this correct.

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I can see. It is like that (with the zeroes) in the config and I assumed its all done. I skipped this step however: #obtain your MCU id using ls /dev/serial/by-path/*
Do I do this through ssh?

Well I cant believe, that I missed this. It has pretty much solved the issue. I just have to finish mainsail config it appears.
However. Thank you all very much and I am sorry for wasting your time.

See Installing Klipper with KIAUH No 4

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