Printing in air after numerous Probe_calibrates

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 v2 Extender
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta e3ez
Host / SBC: CB1

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Describe your issue: (674.9 KB)

I am new to Klipper and want to checkout printing on Ender Extender 400x400 bed.

After a number of PROBE_CALIBRATEs the z offset seem to still have prints starting in mid-air (about 3-4 mm high). Even with attempting to be z offset quickly using bar buttons in the Mainsail web UI prints are still failing. Probe_Calibrate does # z offset under bltouch section and an entry was placed below save-config area z offset=0.625. Is this number low? I have attempting to compare to other Ender 3v2s (all seem to be higher at 1.670 - 2.665).

I have been puzzled attempting to see the error I could have place in this setup. I have since removed all macros, rebooted and still no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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