Probe virtual endstop only useful as endstop pin

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 plus
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta M8P
klippy (3).log (123.9 KB)


Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our Knowledge Base and in particular this and this post

Describe your issue: I keep getting the subject error and klipper shuts down. BLtouch is wired to the board per the M8P guide. BL touch does the three clicks at startup and is red as it should be. The BLtouch worked on the stock motherboard but has never worked with the M8P and Klipper. Printer config pasted below. What am I missing? Any ideas?

[include mainsail.cfg]

This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH Manta M8P

To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the

STM32G0B1 with a “8KiB bootloader” and USB communication.

See docs/ for a description of parameters.

step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: PB4
enable_pin: !PC11
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PF3
position_endstop: 350
position_max: 350
homing_speed: 100

step_pin: PF12
dir_pin: PF11
enable_pin: !PB3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PF4
position_endstop: 350
position_max: 350
homing_speed: 100

step_pin: PD7
dir_pin: !PD6
enable_pin: !PF10
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 4
#endstop_pin: ^PF5
#position_endstop: 0
endstop_pin: probe:Z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -5
position_max: 400
homing_speed: 10
second_homing_speed: 3
homing_retract_dist: 8


The M8P only has 4 heater outputs which leaves an extra stepper

This can be used for a second Z stepper, dual_carriage, extruder co-stepper,

or other accesory such as an MMU

#step_pin: PD3
#dir_pin: PD2
#enable_pin: PD5
#endstop_pin: PC0

step_pin: PC9
dir_pin: PC8
enable_pin: !PD1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 33.683
nozzle_diameter: 0.4
filament_diameter: 1.75
heater_pin: PE3 # HE0
sensor_pin: PA1 # T0
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
control: pid
pid_Kp: 22.2
pid_Ki: 1.08
pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 260

#pin: PF6
#z_offset = 2.59

#sensor_pin: PF5
sensor_pin: PB2
control_pin: PB1
x_offset: -45
y_offset: 0
z_offset: 2.59
speed: 3.0
pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: False
#stow_on_each_sample: False
#probe_with_touch_mode: True

home_xy_position: 180, 180
speed: 100
z_hop: 10
z_hop_speed: 5

speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 8
mesh_min: 50, 50
mesh_max: 300, 300
probe_count: 3, 3

[filament_switch_sensor material_0]
switch_pin: PC1


#step_pin: PA10
#dir_pin: PD15
#enable_pin: !PA15
#heater_pin: PB5 # HE1
#sensor_pin: PA2 # T1

[filament_switch_sensor material_1]

switch_pin: PC2


#step_pin: PD12
#dir_pin: PD11
#enable_pin: !PD14
#heater_pin: PB6 # HE2
#sensor_pin: PA3 # T2


#step_pin: PD10
#dir_pin: PD8
#enable_pin: !PD9
#heater_pin: PE1 # HE3
#sensor_pin: PA4 # T3

heater_pin: PB6
sensor_pin: PA0 # TB

sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2

control: watermark

sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PA0 # TB
control: pid
pid_Kp: 690.34
pid_Ki: 111.47
pid_Kd: 1068.83
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130

pin: PE6

[heater_fan fan1]
pin: PE0

#[heater_fan fan2]
#pin: PC12

#[heater_fan fan3]
#pin: PE5

#[heater_fan fan4]
#pin: PE4
#tachometer_pin: PC13

#[heater_fan fan5]
#pin: PB8
#tachometer_pin: PC14

#[heater_fan fan6]
#pin: PB9
#tachometer_pin: PC15

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_290019000F504B4633373520-if00

kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 2500
max_z_velocity: 5
max_z_accel: 100


TMC2209 configuration


[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PC10
#diag_pin: PF3
run_current: 0.800
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PF13
#diag_pin: PF4
run_current: 0.800
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PF9

diag_pin: PF5

run_current: 0.650
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2209 stepper_]
#uart_pin: PD4
##diag_pin: PC0
#run_current: 0.650
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: PD0
run_current: 0.800
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2209 extruder1]
#uart_pin: PF8
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2209 extruder2]
#uart_pin: PD13
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2209 extruder3]
#uart_pin: PC7
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999


TMC2130 configuration


#[tmc2130 stepper_x]
#cs_pin: PC10
#spi_bus: spi1
##diag1_pin: PF3
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 stepper_y]
#cs_pin: PF13
#spi_bus: spi1
##diag1_pin: PF4
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 stepper_z]
#cs_pin: PF9
#spi_bus: spi1
##diag1_pin: PF5
#run_current: 0.650
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 stepper_]
#cs_pin: PD4
#spi_bus: spi1
##diag1_pin: PC0
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 extruder]
#cs_pin: PD0
#spi_bus: spi1
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 extruder1]
#cs_pin: PF8
#spi_bus: spi1
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 extruder2]
#cs_pin: PD13
#spi_bus: spi1
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

#[tmc2130 extruder3]
#cs_pin: PC7
#spi_bus: spi1
#run_current: 0.800
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

# EXP1 header
EXP1_1=PE9, EXP1_2=PE10,
EXP1_3=PE11, EXP1_4=PE12,
EXP1_5=PE13, EXP1_6=PE14, # Slot in the socket on this side
EXP1_7=PE15, EXP1_8=PB10,
EXP1_9=, EXP1_10=<5V>,

# EXP2 header
EXP2_1=PB14, EXP2_2=PB13,
EXP2_3=PF7, EXP2_4=PB12,
EXP2_5=PE7, EXP2_6=PB11,      # Slot in the socket on this side
EXP2_7=PE8, EXP2_8=<RST>,
EXP2_9=<GND>, EXP2_10=PC5

See the sample-lcd.cfg file for definitions of common LCD displays.


MKS Mini 12864 LCD


Make sure that the EXP1 and EXP2 are rotated correctly on the

display board. The cutouts on the connectors should be towards the

center of the PCB. See:

MKS MINI 12864 - RepRap

If they are wrong, the connector housing can be pried off carefully

with a small screwdriver and relocated the correct way.

lcd_type: uc1701
cs_pin: EXP1_6
a0_pin: EXP1_7
contrast: 40
encoder_pins: ^EXP2_3, ^EXP2_5
click_pin: ^!EXP1_2

Some micro-controller boards may require an spi bus to be specified:

#spi_bus: spi

Alternatively, some micro-controller boards may work with software spi:

#spi_software_miso_pin: EXP2_1
#spi_software_mosi_pin: EXP2_6
#spi_software_sclk_pin: EXP2_2

[output_pin beeper]
pin: EXP1_1

#sensor_pin: PB2
#control_pin: PB1

Proximity switch

#pin: PF6

#[output_pin ps_on_pin]
#pin: PC3

#[neopixel my_neopixel_1]
#pin: PC6

#[neopixel my_neopixel_2]
#pin: PA9

#adc1: PC5
#adc2: PB0

Change probe:Z_virtual_endstop to probe:z_virtual_endstop.


That worked - THANK YOU!!!