Problems with klipper screen

I have a 4 inch lcd display - c
But I entered the manual, I put the initial settings… and then I installed it with kiau and klipper screen… but nothing happens, I also entered the raspi-config settings and configured the desktop and auto login… but nothing…
please help me…

Have you every thought about how anyone should be able to help with that amount of information?

  • Which display connected how and where?
  • Check the relevant log files like moonraker.log and KlipperScreen.log for errors
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             Obrigado pela atenção  agradeço... desde já...

Então refiz toda a instalação , e em vez de instalar o mainsauil instalei o fluid...

Ai ok funcionou o klippersreen legal beleza …mas…
com o Mainsaul nao funciona porque será isso…