Pwm_tools and Ideas

Basic Information:

Printer Model: XY Cartesian
MCU / Printerboard: AR100 and stm32f031x6/Recore A6 and/or Recore A7

klippy.log (7.4 MB)

Describe your issue:

Okay. So, I have a XY cartesian and I want to use pwm_tools but…

  1. My set up may or may not have PWM installed by default in the appropriate files.
  2. I can get to a machine controller, Recore A6, w/ PWM usable on the headers…
  3. Can I use XY w/out Z? This has been an ongoing issue for me for laser control and PWM from pwm_tools.


P.S. I can use 12v, 5v PWM, and GND so far but…

On my current set up, the Fan controller is my PWM pin so far w/out GND (I think). Here is a photo of the board in question:

As you can see from the key, there are many PWM enabled pins on this board for use for the Laser PWM enablement/canceling.

Anyway…my issue still remains. The Z_Axis needs to be not called in my .cfg file b/c I only have a XY cartesian.


Where would I put this data so that I do not receive error on my GUI?

# Optional: LCD Menu Control

[menu __main __control __toolonoff]
type: input
enable: {'pwm_tool laser' in printer}
name: Fan: {'ON ' if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {printer['pwm_tool laser'].value}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 1
    M3 S{255 if menu.input else 0}

[menu __main __control __toolspeed]
type: input
enable: {'pwm_tool laser' in printer}
name: Tool speed: {'%3d' % (menu.input * 100)}%
input: {printer['pwm_tool laser'].value}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 0.01
    M3 S{'%d' % (menu.input * 255)}

Please send guidance…


P.S. I tried to make the update in the printer.cfg file. Not the correct location.

I also tried in mainsail.cfg. Again, not the right location. No issue on this effort. I can use the build w/out learning that it works or does not work.


Klipper reports: ERROR

MCU Protocol error

This is frequently caused by running an older version of the
firmware on the MCU(s). Fix by recompiling and flashing the

Your Klipper version is: v0.12.0-25-g99d7af87-dirty
MCU(s) which should be updated:
mcu: Current version v0.12.0-13-g795ce490
ar100: Current version v0.12.0-13-g795ce490
Up-to-date MCU(s):

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART"
command to reload the config and restart the host software.

mcu 'mcu': Firmware constant 'PWM_MAX' not found

That is my error after updating the issue and removing the LCD Menu Control.


klippy.log (8.5 KB)

This klippy.log is revised and trimmed to support the 8MB or less upload size. Rations!

See MCU Protocol error caused by running an older version of the firmware

Do not do this. Attached compressed as zip instead.

As Klipper is a 3D printer, it does need a defined Z-axis. I do not understand why it is an issue just to define one.

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Okay…I will compress the klippy.log. Here… (74.2 KB)

Sorry it took so long for my comprehension. Also, I can define one and use a Z_Axis.

It is not so much an issue as an extra concern of mine and mine alone. I will handle the Z_Axis in time. (77.0 KB)

I cannot continue b/c my serial port will not connect.


I’m not sure that I can meaningfully support you with the Recore A6 / A7.
As far as I’m aware, it is not fully supported in main-line Klipper but I’m not sure about the impact.

I suggest turning to iagent
From the log it looks like, the board is not correctly flashed but from the above link it looks like additional steps might be needed, in particular Refactor - iagent which assumes you are using a “special” Linux with some preinstalled stuff.
It seems that this board deviates from the “common” procedure, but I have absolutely no experience with it.

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Thank you anyway…I will keep trying.

I saw that the AR100 and the specific STM chips have make menuconfig options now. I picked the git repo from master to use it on my board.

No offense to the knowledgeable people at but they have tasks too. Like them being each an individual, I am just one person too!

So, in hindsight, I needed to understand more prior to handling this task of building Klipper master on the Recore A5 or A6 or A7. Anyway, I am dealing w/ them online on their discord.

It seems the source of Klipper takes a bunch of space and allocating pins and promoting other programs to the board is tedious work. Nothing I am way familiar w/ currently…

  1. Are there some build steps one would take for Klipper master to build around the AR100 and stm32f031x6 which has a smaller memory base on the A5 (I think)…

I will consult w/ the people on that matter one day.


P.S. Thank you for at least lookin’ over the klippy.log file and playing along even w/ my current lack of knowledge on how to build successfully w/out everyone involved.

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