Replacing Motherboard on Ender 3 Max Neo

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Max Neo
MCU / Printerboard: V4.2.7
klippy.log (2.4 KB)

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Describe your issue:

I installed a new motherboard into my Ender 3 Max Neo. I can’t get the firmware to load properly. I tried through my Sonic Pad and also through the control panel that came with my printer which gives me a high pitch whistle. I had this working where the hotbed and hotend would heat but then the hotbed and hotend will not respond to move. now I can’t do anything.

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Thank you for your quick response and for the information. Not happy to find this out, but I managed to get my Sonic Pad problem fixed. I had also replaced the Hotbed, but I have no movement control. I continue to get this error.
{“code”:“key22”, “msg”:“No trigger on x after full movement”, “values”: [“x”]}. I have no Z or Y axis movement as well.

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