Printer Model: Ender 3 v2
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2
It finally happened, printer stopped extruding at layer 17 (clogged nozzle), it’s a big print that ocuppies most of the bed so I want to continue from there and it won’t go anywhere, it’s well glued. You may say “but layer 17 is nothing, just start over”, no, thanks, I want to learn because I’ve been smashing my head for the past hour with no success.
So, this is the print Imgur: The magic of the Internet, I went with the “cut the gcode from the layer” approach but…
First attempt, Klipper shouted at me that it needed to home, ok, hopefully the bed was still available and it was able to home XYZ, I just had to touch the safe home position a bit). Then there was max_extrude_only_distance which I had to modify as per Klipper instructions.
After a lot of failed attempts (and manually shutting down the printer) now it was max_extrude_cross_section which I needed to modify because I still don’t know, I modified it and when I “started pritining”, but no // Klipper state: Shutdown.
This is the start of the modified gcode.
;Filament used: 26.0152m
;Layer height: 0.2
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.4.0
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code
G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
G28 ; Home all axes
G0 F600 X193.716 Y204.122 Z3.88
G0 F15000 X75.238 Y22.025
I searched google with “klipper resume failed print” and similar and there was nothing which helped, how come such a basic thing isn’t covered anywhere? I know Klipper is more advanced and stuff but this same crap with Marlin was just that, cut the gcode and send it, boom, done (no, I’m not going back to Marlin).
Any clues? Thanks.