Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 V2
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta M5P
klippy.log (72.4 KB)
Hey guys,
im back with another issue. Ive recently installed a Eddy USB Probe to my printer and wanted to use the Eddy for bed meshing and my already installed BL-Touch for homing and Z-Tilt adjust.
I installed everything like described, but after Including the Eddy.cfg i created, which includes the g-code for the eddy, it gives me the error “gcode command QUERY_PROBE already registered” after i save and restart. When i take a look into my printer.cfg and my Eddy.cfg, there is nowhere a QUERY_PROBE macro to be found… what am i doing wrong and how do i get these two probes working together?
Thanks already in advance!