Screws_tilt_adjust is not a valid config section

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: Nebula Pad Rooted
Host / SBC Fluidd

klippy (2).log (5.6 MB)

I’ve followed all the instruction to get Screw Tilt Adjust to work, but when I enter the commande lines into print.cfg and save it comes up with an error stating [screws_tilt_adjust] is not a valid config section. The odd thing is that when I put in it it populated the hyperlink to the documentation which takes me here: Configuration reference - Klipper documentation which is the information I followed. How do I get this to work?

Most problem is, that the used Klipper version is so much crapped up, that we can’t find anything usable in the log. (See here: 3D Printers with Preinstalled and Modified Klipper Versions and here: Creality Sonic Pad and Alternatives)

AFAIK, you can either have [bed_screws] or [screws_tilt_adjust], not both.

The first one works without the probe, the second one with the probe.