Sidewinder X2 (MKS SKIPR) - org. BL-Touch Fehler


Basic Information:

Printer Model: Sidewinder X2
MCU / Printerboard: MKS SKIPR
klippy.log klippy(10).log (44.2 KB)

Describe your issue:

Hello, I have take the BL-Touch on my SKIPR. When i start the printer the BL-Touch is red and the Pin go 2x in and out. Then start Klipper and the BL-Touch is only red. No other action.
Wire: 3DTouch on Board - BL-Touch brown on GND, red on 5V and yellow on PA8
Z- on Board - BL-Touch black on G, white on S.

I want to use the BL-Touch for leveling and Endstop-Z. Please Helpme, Thanks.

Hello @matthiasbertling !

Do you have an genuine BLtouch?

You may see here:

Hallo, ja der BL-Touch ist ein original.

Habe die config danach erstellt, aber schon bei BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_down kommt keine Reaktion , leuchtet weiterhin nur rot.

Welche Version hat der BLtouch?

Hallo, der BL-Touch hat die Version V3.1

Can we stick to English, please. This is an English speaking place and other users might also profit from or contribute to the exchanged information.

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Then you have seen this too?

Hallo, i have tried this, and the red light is allways on and the pin don´t get out.