SKR3 MCU not possible to read temperature

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Sapphire
MCU / Printerboard: SKR 3


I have updated my printer with a Bigtreetech SKR 3 Board. Everything runs fine except the mcu temperature. I get only the message that ADC temperature is not a right name for mcu.

This solution didnt work for me:

My SKR 3 has the ARM Cortex-M7 CPU STM32H743VIT6.

Did anyone can help?
klippy(3).log (27.4 KB)

Follow the directions given when you opened the post

log attached now. Anything missing!?

Did you verify that it really is a STM32H743 and the firmware compiled for it?

Chip is this:

I have replaced both files like the other post described. But it didnt work for me.

klippy(4).log (27.4 KB)

Roll back this change. It is no longer valid. Recompile and reflash

Solution was recompiling the klipper firmware for the SKR 3 Board

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