The importance of USB 3 in canboard?


I’m using Klipper on an Octopus Pro board, and a few days ago I installed a Mellow Sht 42 board (I’m using it via USB)… well, I have to say that it’s an essential upgrade, but it’s giving me problems… …

These problems are that the printing stops when it has few layers, giving this error on the console “TMC ‘extruder’ reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)”, the same gcode file, there are times that it stops in the 1st layer , there are times when it takes 10/20… there are even times that it prints completely

When I installed it, I remember that I read, somewhere, the importance of using USB 3 cables, and so I did, I bought a USB 3 cable… it would have been cheaper to buy a car… milk.

But a while ago I realized that I can use a USB 3 cable, but if I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3, which doesn’t have USB 3… I don’t do anything.

The questions are:

  • That error “TMC ‘extruder’ reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)”, could be caused by not enough data getting to the Mellow SHT 42 board?
  • The use of a USB 3 cable, is it so important? or with a USB 2, it should be enough.
  • To test this theory… If I reduce the printing speed with the Mainsail slider to 25% (for example), do I reduce the amount of information that “travels” through the USB cable? or should I re-slice the file by lowering the speeds?

The type of USB port used plays no role in a stepper driver reset. It can be difficult to diagnose why the driver is resetting, but the type of USB port or cable used is unimportant.

I do not find why it gives that error., I explain the tests that I have done.

I have physically disconnected the motor (Nema 14 Orbiter 2) from the toolboard, a Mellow SHT42, connected by USB to an Octopus.

A- I have downloaded the filament
B- I have done a homing to the axes, putting a wooden board on the bed, so that the BLTouch believes that the bed is higher than it really is
C- I have preheated bed and extruder (70/195) as if it were PLA
D- I have ordered to print and shortly after starting, it has been reset, with the same error as always

Is there any way to find out more about this error?

news… strange, more than Dr. Strange

this is really strange… after half a dozen attempts, I’m doing tests, what I’m doing has been to disconnect the motor from the extruder, even disassemble it… and print another file, prepared for PETG… .and the surprising thing is that this file is being printed!!! It has already 20% and continues to print (it is not printing anything because the extruder is not mounted), but it has not stopped, when with the other file it stops shortly… an idea that occurs to me is that the file of PLA does not print it because of the speed, somehow, being PLA, I suppose that the speeds, in the default profile of SuperSlicer, will be higher than PETG…

Can someone tell me if this makes sense? that somehow, when printing PLA, some limit is exceeded, for which the printer restarts?

Maybe I’m a bit slow today:

  • Your extruder is causing the error
  • You remove the extruder and move only X, Y and Z
  • You are surprised that it works?