TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(reset

Ohh man, yet another error now! :frowning:

Looks the be reported on the extruder again!?

The wierd thing is that i was opening mainsail on my PC, it was in pause mode due to filament change, ok so i go to change, pull out the filament and insert new, and then open mainsail on my phone, just to suddenly see that it throws error.

So the only thing i did between those steps was to pull the filament out of the fiament sensor, and insert new…
I guess i also could have manualy turned the extruder gear while doing so, due to frition, but i dont know…

Could this actually have been sent som wrong signals due to this, to mess things up?

Wierd :confused: (64.2 KB)