Understanding speed settings

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender3 V3 SE/Qidi Q1 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: Stock
Host / SBC Orange Pi Zero3

Hi All,

Been using Klipper pretty happily for a while now & trying to get more advanced knowledge rather than just hit print & hope. So not really a issue per se but trying to understand Klipper & slicer speed references.

You hear people say “I’m printing at x mm/s”, in slicers like Orca how can you set that? you need to set multiple like infill, wall & perimeter speeds don’t you?

How do people really set machines up to print at 300mm/s bearing in mind the different values in a slicer?

I’ve started playing with Volumetric speeds but that doesn’t change those values to reflect what you set there, its just a upper limit it can hit.

For example, ive printed the included 18min benchy that came with my Q1, how do i know what that was printed at? Qidi “claim” 600mm/s but we all know manufacturers like to Embellish shall we say their print speeds.

Kind Regards

Often times printing at 300mm/s means that this is the speed at which the infill is printed. You can set the slicer profile up and say that it should print the outer wall for example with 60% of that or assign a specific value like 160 mm/s.
In general if you set a specific printing speed it doesn’t mean that your printer will actually print at this speed, because it needs to accelerate first to get there. When you print small segments the top speed won’t be reached. The acceleration is way more important on small prints like a benchy than the set speed.

Setting a maximum volumetric flow means that your print speed will be lowered if the flow would otherwise exceed the limit. If it’s below the value it will be unaffected.

You can download the latest prusa slicer version, which shows the actual volumetric flow and speed based on your acceleration settings.

You have just clarified in one post something that ive been trying to understand for ages! THANK YOU!

I’m running a ABS print at the moment on my Q1 with infill at 270 mm/s (stock Qidi ABS rapido profile) with perimeters at 300. so 270’s the rough print speed?

useful to know as I’m starting an RC Plane print soon using LW-PLA and the supplier of the files say to print slow (50mm/s) so i’ll set infill to that & go from there.

Acceleration noted, thank you as well for explaining volumetric as well.

Kind Regards

Before you cranking up the accelerations and speeds, you should determine, what your printer is capable for:


Thanks EddyMI3D,

Yes i regularly use Angus’s site. I’m not looking to push the machines at all to be honest, more just understand the existing settings speed setup.

Thank you both!

Kind Regards

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