Z homing fails on Sidewinder X1 on Duet 3 mini 5+ with BL Touch

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Artillery
MCU / Printerboard: Duet 3 mini 5+
Host / SBC

klippy.log (2.2 MB)

Hi everyone,

I’ve been having an issue with the Z homing of my Artillery printer following a replacement of an skr 1.4 turbo to and Duet 3 mini 5+ more than 6 months ago, I also had some other issues that I managed to sort out back then but never got the time to take care of the this issue and now that I have some time to look into it but haven’t been able to understand why Z is not homing.

I’ve followed the Klipper doc concerning the BL debugging and the BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_up and BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=down work without any issue and the QUERY_PROBE also shows open when but when running the BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=touch_mode and then QUERY_PROBE I don’t the probe: TRIGGERED and also when trying to home Z, the BLtouch does not deploy by itself.

Anyone has an idea of what may be causing this, it may be that the BLtouch is defective but in that case I’m assuming that it wouldn’t be responsive to all the other commands would it?

I’ve added my logs in case anyone is able to spot something I’m must definitively missing.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Usually caused by the typical reasons that have been discussed countless times here already:

  • sensor pin without pull-up (^)
  • wrong wiring
  • defect wiring
  • wrong combination of settings, especially for clones
  • defect probe

Hi Sineos,

Thanks for your reply, I know this issues have been discussed countless time, and believe me, I’ve checked before coming to the chat asking for help, I’ve checked 1 to 3, and have already done all the rewiring, I’m using the Duet Mini on my Ender 5+ with a BL touch connected in the same way and no issue there, I’ve checked the connectivity with a multimeter and no issue, all seems ok, for #4 I’m using and original BL Touch not a clone so I’m leaning toward the defect probe, but wanted some help to see if there’s something obvious that I’m missing.

I’ll recheck everything again this weekend after a good night sleep to see if I missed anything.

For this type of failure, I have not seen any other reason / solution than the ones listed above.

From my own experience, I can tell:

  • BLTouches are very sensitive. I electrically killed about 5 in my career, mostly due to me being careless and hot-plugging stuff
  • They are extremely sensitive to any kind of wiring issues

Meanwhile, I have switched to the BTT MicroProbe on two printers and I like them much better than the BLTouches. I think they are more robust and more accurate / precise.

Hi Sineos,

After several hours trying to sort this out, I’m still not getting the printer to home, X and Y working fine but Z fails with errors Failed to verify BLTouch probe is raised; retrying followed by BLTouch failed to raise probe.

I’m not sure what else to look for now, I can’t figure out what would be the root cause here, the BLTouch auto-test at start is working, the different debug commands as well, but the probe does not trigger and Z motors don’t start going going as the pin fails to deploy, maybe the issue is config or wiring as you mentioned after spending several hours today I’m still clueless.

Thanks for the advise on the BTT Microprobe, I’ve just ordered one after ordering a new bltouch earlier today just in case.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with the Duet boards and I find them very confusing.
According to the Duet official documentation:

The recommendation seems to be a special connection scheme (connect control GND and sensor GND) to io_4 that seems to correspond to the Z-Endstop. That would be PD10 and PC5

Hi Sineos,

Thank you, I saw that but this is what I went with:

I got from the ZProbe wiring config from their site: Z_probe_BLTouch which seems a bit different from what’s provided on the 1st link you shared so will need to review the wiring and config again.

I think I might have found the underlying issue but admit I’m not sure, the X1 originally has a Z endstop, I added the BLTouch when I added the SKR1.4 Turbo so this is what might be messing with the setup as checking the setup today with the new BLTouch and still having the issue.

We’ll continue to dig in the next couple of days.

Seems to be conflicting information and both is the official Duet documentation.

In any case: Looking at the schematics, the io_4 connector seems more “endstop-ish” than the io_3

I’ll give the swap a try but what makes you think that the io_4 connector seems more “endstop-ish” than the io_3; according to the documentation, a part from IO_3 being PWN capable and that io4.out is shared with pson there seems to be no difference ?

Looking at the diagram they look the same:


You need to look into the schematic (link provided above)

hmmm, will dive deep into that this weekend and will report back, thanks again


Ok, so after having gone all over the wiring and the documentation, setup itself seems fine so my issue most likely seem to be config related.

Following what’s on the documentation link provided by @Sineos here my wiring seems to follow what’s described:

IO_4 is already being used as the Y endstop; still, I continue to get the “BLTouch failed to verify sensor state” no matter what I’ve done so far; every time I try to home Z, the stick just does not deploy, but it does when using the pin_down command, I really don’t know what I’m missing.

If I can’t this to work, I’ll most likely move to an inductive probe and see if I have better luck going down that route and based on what @Sineos said about the BL Touch it might be the best option but this still astonishes me that I got it to work fine on my ender 5 plus using the same board but can’t get it to work on the Artillery…

Due to lack of experience with this board, I cannot offer any more guidance.
Personally, I’m not a fan of inductive probes at all, but some are big fans.

Hi @Sineos,

Thanks, you already have done a lot. If I disable the BL Touch and use the printer’s Z end stop, I get it to home no problem, but I would like to have it working with the probe; that being said I have no preference between having a physical probe or an inductive; I do understand that people may prefer the physical probe compare to the inductive. The only issue I have with the physical probes is that they’re slow when doing the bed mesh other than that nothing.

Now, if anyone is using the duet 3 mini 5+, klipper and bl touch combo that can guide, that would be great and deeply appreciated.

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