AI, great idea.
Scan the spool with the camera and have it select the right settings for that spool automatically
Do a full mapping (or 5mm x 5mm and interpolate) of the surface of the bed when cold and when hot, and calculate the differences with temperatures to be used online with the Z axis while printing.
A “teach in” where a predefined object should be printed, compare to the actual result and make/suggest changes to the profile. Object should amplify possible issues.
Maybe repeat to “learn” enhancements.
For different plastic types.
All this will run on a PC, right?
At least until printer is “tuned” by above.
That profile can then hopefully be used in conjunction with the only life factor, the temperature, by the 3D printer’s CPU to adjust.
My Ender doesn’t print yet,
(see my cry for help) so I don’t know how errors look like.