Another Move out of range error

I have read dozens of posts in various locations concerning this error message but none of them describe a simple solution/how to in terms that a pensioner simpleton such as myself can understand. Indeed, some of the replies I have seen are quite rude.

Even the knowledge base article ([Move out of range: X Y Z [E]]) about this doesn’t help:

“Find the axis that is causing the error. For example the message Move out of range: X Y -0.2 [0.000] compared to position_min: 0 makes it clear, where the error is coming from”.

No it doesn’t, if it did I wouldn’t have spent days trying to resolve this!

While I appreciate your feedback, it unfortunately gives no indication whatsoever what you did not understand or how the information could be improved and as such is pretty much useless.

As shown in the cited article, there are numerous reasons or circumstances that can lead to this error. In a complex system like a 3D printer, there often is no simple black or white that would allow you to answer with “press button A and you are fine”.

Hello @Jonathan8146 ,

I fully understand your frustration, since Klipper is not easy and when you try to get to grips with something complicated, it often seems impossible to follow even the best of the instructions. I have had, and still have my moments of throwing my toys out of my pram because of something to do with klipper.

But, we all know, this does not help with your problem at hand, and personally I have seen very helpful and very knowledgeable people here that, if given half a chance, will sort you out.

To this end I advise you to follow the simple instructions that are always on the first page of any post you want to make. That is the section where it asks you to share your setup details and add a copy of your klippy.log.

This is valuable to these people who know more about it, as it tells them what is happening in your machine at the time of your error.

Please give them a chance and add this data. In my humble opinion, seeing you are a first time poster here as well, you did not give them a chance.
My two cents…

Thank you for response, I appreciate your understanding. The reason I didn’t post my information is that I want to figure out the problem myself but I just don’t understand the error message, but I have added them below. Here are my thoughts.

Within the printer.cfg file I define the usable print area with the x, y, z min and max position values. In Cura I also define a min and max value. What is the relationship of the printer.cfg and Cura values, should they be the same?

The out of area message indicates that the printer nozzle is trying to move outside of the area defined by max/min x, y, z in printer.cfg, but what do the values in the error message indicate, X Y Z [n]?

Printer model: Elegoo Neptune 2
MCU/Printer board: Nano 1.3
Host/SBC: Raspberry Pi?
Klippy.log: Attached hopefully.
klippy.log (225.7 KB)

I have never used Cura so I cannot say anything about it. But yes, these values should be the same I would expect.
In the message Move out of range: 1.100 20.000 0.280 [0.000] it concludes that one of these is out of range as defined.
I would expect your bed size is from 0 to whatever is your printable bed size. These values should not be out of range I think.
That leaves only the Z, which wants to be at 0.280 but thinks it is not possible. I also do not know what the [0.000] means at the end, could this be the value it expected???
Anyway, klipper does not tell you what is the cause, only it has encountered an error. It is up to you, with or without the help of these people here, to conclude what it is.
Maybe the Z has some offset which makes this position impossible and therefor it calls it “out of range”
Hands up I am not a specialist on this either, just used it for long enough to know it can be very difficult to understand at times.
Thank you for the details and the klippy.log. Lets hope there are answers to be gleaned from them.

Thank you. As you say, it is difficult to understand.

I think the only thing I can try, unless someone can explain what the message indicates in a more meaningful manner, is to change the values in the printer.cfg file until I can see some sort of pattern and try to resolve it like that.

So you have got this:

Move out of range: 1.100 20.000 0.280 [0.000]

and you have this:

step_pin = PE3
dir_pin = PE2
enable_pin = !PE4
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40
endstop_pin = PA15
position_min = 8    # <=======
position_endstop = 8
position_max = 200
homing_speed = 50

1.1 is less than 8 so the error occurs.

Where does the 1.1 come from?

Not from the bed mesh, because the bed_mesh positions have not been calculated.
(BTW: it would be in range)

So obviously from CURA or the START_PRINT macro.

There is no START_PRINT macro, so it is the slicer.

1.1 appears to be a purge line. So in the CURA start gcode section may be a code line that tries to print a purge line staring at 1.1/20


And all of this is explained in the relevant KB articles, in particular Understanding X and Y Axes Limits and Homing

If you find anything in there, which needs more details, then let me know. Just be aware that no documentation can potentially cover all cases, as Klipper is a generic firmware that is used on thousands of 3D printers with about the same number of configurations and requirements.


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