BL Touch always open

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Dreammaker Overlord Pro
MCU / Printerboard: SKR MINI E3 V3.0
Host / SBC

Describe your issue:

I just installed a BL touch onto my delta printer with a SKR Mini E3 V3.0, and no matter what I try the QUERY_PROBE command always shows as open, and it hasn’t been able to probe the bed without driving into it. The probe drops and raises whenthe printer is turned on, and I am able to raise or lower it through the BL Touch Debug commands, but when I try BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=touch_mode , then QUERY_PROBE while raising the probe slightly with my nail, it always reports back as ‘open’. I have “pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: True” in the bltouch section in my config, but when the probe is raised up, either manually or with the debug command it always reports back as open. Is my probe defective or is there something wrong with my config?

Any insight is much appreciated.
klippy.log (51.8 KB)

Do you have a genuine BLtouch?

Try this:

sensor_pin = ^PC14   # <--------------
control_pin = PA1
x_offset = -40
y_offset = -30
samples = 2
speed = 2
z_offset = 0
pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered = True

Also check the wiring.

Not sure if this is a genuine BLTouch but it’s what I have;

Changing the sensor pin seems to have done the job! Thanks

Although I’m seeing that the printer thinks that 0 in the Z axis is lower than the bed actually is so I’ve been having the nozzle push down on the bed during some movements. Would adjusting that involve changing the endstop height in the config or should it be adjusted when I re-do the delta calibration using the probe?

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You have to calibrate the stuff now: