Cant get printer to connect

Basic Information:

Printer Model: voxelab aquila
MCU / Printerboard: n32 stm32
Host / SBC linux pc

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

…trying to set up printer for the first time went through and added my printer config and changed the mcu to what kiuah reports but im still having issues. klipper says error configuring printer and to do a firmware restart.
klippy (5).log (198.2 KB)

In your printer.cfg doesn’t have the board ID provided.

serial = /dev/serial/by-id/<>

This <> needs to be replaced by your board ID

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0

that was my issue to begin with but i changed that and still had the issue further down in the log. this is my current printer.cfg file. is there somewhere else i need to change the mcu?
printer.cfg (1.8 KB)

From the error message, it looks like either:

  • Connection problem, i.e. wiring / cable between host and printer-board
  • Firmware not correctly flashed or wrong firmware settings

As it is not clear what kind of board you are using, it is hard to tell.

You don’t seam to understand that it will not be the example but unique to your board in hand.

Two of the same board will not have the same ID.

I got the mcu directly from kiauh using the retrieve mcu function. it started with the wrong one cause it was booting my klipper for the very first time and didnt have the printer config loaded.

Congrats. Could you set the topic to “solution”?

im saying i got the mcu currently on the profil from the kiauh but it didnt resolve the issue.

I am using the voxelab aquila with a n32 chipset. ill try another cord and see if i can make something happen.

klippy (9).log (168.3 KB)
here is a new klipper log I tried a new cord and got the same issue. reloaded my config file and im still at a loss. thank you all for the help

Try working through Issues flashing the printer board
Especially make sure that you are using firmware settings that match your board or MCU.

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