Clipper shuts down when i send it home

Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ratrig
MCU / Printerboard: octopus v1.1
…when i send it home the clipper shuts down, where is the error?
thank you for the help
I’ve made too many changes to the printer.cfg file and now I can’t get out of it. I hope there is someone who can help me
klippy (3).log (1.8 MB)

What do exactly mean by that? A certain command?

When I issue the g28 command, the clipper closes as the axes move to the zero position.

See Timer too close

First thing I’d try is to remove the webcam.

i will try this, hope it works

I tried but it closed again, it caught my attention. It closes in the z_safe_home command, when I comment ‘‘z_hop’’ it goes back to normal, when I open ‘‘z_hop’’ again, I have a problem
klippy (4).log (250.8 KB)
moonraker (3).log (19.6 KB)

‘‘BLTouch failed to verify sensor state’’
now i faced this problem

Sorry, no further idea.
You basically have two dimensions:

The config

These ratos configs are pretty complex and involved. If I had this problem, I would start with a minimum config that only contains what is necessary to print → No LEDs, Macros other bling bling

The hardware

The “Timer too close” as stated in the link above strongly points to some hardware issues.

  • Power supply
  • Defect cables
  • High power lines (heaters, steppers etc) running close and in parallel to signal wires → EMI
  • Dying / defect SD card etc.

In my opinion the effect during homing or the BLtouch error are just symptoms and not the root cause. This means as soon as the printer “does something” the actual root cause kicks in and you get some errors.
Your only choice is to systematically work through each individual potential cause

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i think i need to re-install a mainsailos and make a printer as simple as possible, i just need support to prepare the printer.cfg file

printer.cfg (3.6 KB)

This should be your config stripped to the bare minimum needed to print.

Fun fact:

  • Needed for printing: 230 lines of config
  • RatOs config: 1211 lines

Thank you very much…