hey all
I can add logs tomorrow but just wanted to get this out there hoping for an idea before I get home… trying to figure something out with my Voron, been ongoing for months
Being an idiot I managed to fry my board, so replaced it with another octopus and new drivers… started getting pwmconf and globalscaler on my steppers, just assumed it was a psu issue and because I’ve been holding back on some upgrades I thought itd be a good time.
I’m at the point now where literally everything has been replaced… pi, psu, also had a spare 24v 350w so have tried that to run motors separate… new motors too, gone over to a kraken board, tried recrimping the motors thinking that was it
Same message
What…. On earth…. Could it possibly be?
Sorry, this makes absolutely no sense and the only thing I can agree with is the “utter chaos”.
Please start over and provide solid information → How-To Ask for Help
OK for what I am reading is you are having issues but is unable to tell us what the issue are…
1: do you have power, does it power up?
2: do you have any connection to it?
3: can you turn on the fans and other external devices, Do you see a temp on the bed an hot end
WHAT IS IT DOING AND WHAT DO YOU WANT IT TI DO ? Your post is a rant not a asking for help. We can not read your mind on your issue…
It powers up, can ssh into it fine and i get a mainsail page and everything works… up until i activate the steppers and i get pwmconf and globalscaler errors
was getting 24/48v at the board with psu’s that are bigger than needed so “assume” that was fine
i borrowed a board off a mate and everything works fine so just working on the theory that the board i received was DOA…
sorry people, assumed it was mechanical from the start so was more of a general “anyone had this before and what was it” query rather than asking for someone to dive into diagnostics, so rushed into original post trying to get a jump on it before i got home
sorted now