Complete utter chaos

hey all
I can add logs tomorrow but just wanted to get this out there hoping for an idea before I get home… trying to figure something out with my Voron, been ongoing for months

Being an idiot I managed to fry my board, so replaced it with another octopus and new drivers… started getting pwmconf and globalscaler on my steppers, just assumed it was a psu issue and because I’ve been holding back on some upgrades I thought itd be a good time.
I’m at the point now where literally everything has been replaced… pi, psu, also had a spare 24v 350w so have tried that to run motors separate… new motors too, gone over to a kraken board, tried recrimping the motors thinking that was it

Same message
What…. On earth…. Could it possibly be?

So, what do we have:

  • No real information on the used hardware
  • No information on the config
  • No log
  • No printer model
  • No SBC model
  • No clear error message

Sorry, this makes absolutely no sense and the only thing I can agree with is the “utter chaos”.
Please start over and provide solid information → How-To Ask for Help


sorry mate… what did i miss with the hardware?

home now so have attached log, let me know what else you need to know

klippy (5).log (191.9 KB)

This is what you have deleted when opening the topic…


Voron 2.4
Rpi 5

OK for what I am reading is you are having issues but is unable to tell us what the issue are…
1: do you have power, does it power up?
2: do you have any connection to it?
3: can you turn on the fans and other external devices, Do you see a temp on the bed an hot end

WHAT IS IT DOING AND WHAT DO YOU WANT IT TI DO ? Your post is a rant not a asking for help. We can not read your mind on your issue…


If the OP was not called NegativeFate, I would never have believed it :rofl: :joy:
Sorry, I know its wrong, but…

Just to resume @NegativeFate

Your setup:
printer: voron 2.4 VORON2.4
printerboard: btt kraken BIGTREETECH Kraken - High Current, 8-Axis Motherboard – Biqu Equipment
host: rpi5

rest unknown!

Your klippy log shows in line 596-597:

Git version: 'v0.12.0-378-gd6494ffed-dirty'
Untracked files: klippy/extras/

Please check “Basic Troubleshooting” point 5 “Consult the klippy.log file”.
You may fix that first.

All of us will try to help you, but your problem description is not good!

Good luck, hcet14


You’re nasty :wink: :rofl: :joy:

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It powers up, can ssh into it fine and i get a mainsail page and everything works… up until i activate the steppers and i get pwmconf and globalscaler errors
was getting 24/48v at the board with psu’s that are bigger than needed so “assume” that was fine
i borrowed a board off a mate and everything works fine so just working on the theory that the board i received was DOA…
sorry people, assumed it was mechanical from the start so was more of a general “anyone had this before and what was it” query rather than asking for someone to dive into diagnostics, so rushed into original post trying to get a jump on it before i got home
sorted now

well technically it was my dads handle when the internet first came round, always thought it was different and then i took it on after he died

fun fact for the day…

Yes if you tried a different bd then and it worked, yes. Time for a replacement bd.

bd? That is exactly what?

“bd” == “board”


Wow. This word shortening some day will short someone’s life because a bad misunderstanding.

I mean, punching in 3 more letters for a better understanding would be quite nice.


:joy: :rofl:
I totaly agree :grimacing:

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