Hi, i have a Formbot raptor 2 with vivedino ver. 1.1 board and tmc2209 drivers. I would like to test uart. I came over a thread where someone did this with a t-rex combined with making z motors running separate.
I cant see exactly how he connected it, got somewhat a idea after reading this post and others. But im to unsure to give it a go because it would suck to short something out because i am rusty regarding reading schismatics or mistakes that can be easily avoided… Hehe.
Anyone done this to a formbot printer with the board i got that can help me out a little or any general advice to share that i can take knowledge from?
Tnx for any help.
How do you set the stepper motor current in your printer? Are you doing it with a screwdriver or from a screen of some kind? I’m asking because I can’t find a manual for the printer to verify how it is done.
If you do it with a screwdriver, then it’s not worth trying to get serial communications working. In this case, you should look for a new controller board.
Yea, used multimeter and a screwdriver. Ok, not sure i will bother to change it. At least not in near future. Got the printer to learn, and well. Wanted a large printer if i need to print something big at some point. Nice to have the option. But at this point i rather spend money on a new printer than continue modding this one, voron or something similar looks fun…
I think got the answers in discord a year ago, but didnt have wires. Now, got the wires, but lost the info… Hehe
Other than that, didn’t seem that hard at all when i got help on discord. Board seems to support it somewhat at least, if you got some wires and know where to connect them… So it kinda grinding my gears. Hehe
I got this diagram. If this is helpful.
diagram.pdf (783.6 KB)
Here is the thread where the dude enabled it, and separating the motors for z-axis.
Still think its not worth it?
Whether or not it’s worth it is entirely up to you and your skills.
What @EddyMI3D did isn’t that difficult and he is available for questions.
Now you’ve got me thinking about the RAMPS board I setup for my daughter with a DRV8825 driver module (How many people still set driver current manually? - #5 by JassMan23) - I’m sure I have a TMC2209 module around here somewhere and it should just need running a single wire to it… The problem is the software and I’m not sure I want to recreate the serial communications in the Arduino IDE.
Good luck! if you decide to go ahead with it, please let us know your progress.
It’s always worth it.
The Formbot 1.1 board appears to be identical to the Vivedio 1.1 board.
You should be able to use the same connectors as I did.
But step by step.
First just Klipper without any additional things like TMC-UART, 2nd Z-axes etc.
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