Error: No trigger on c after retraction

Hi Everyone,

I built a Rotating delta printer and for the most part it is behaving as expected. I fully understand there is not a lot of rotating deltas out there… so i am a bit off the reservation…

I ran Delta Configuration, Enhanced delta and bed mesh to get good first layer.

Once my prints finish, especially a very short print, my printer homes itself as part of the end G-code. I then get the “No trigger on c after full movement”. Kevin did state that the rotary delta kinematics does not do error or boundary checking. How/where can I increase the “allowed” travel distance before it should raise an error?
I tried editing config file minimum_z_distance to -30, no effect (to try allow furher retraction before error)
I tried adding homing_retract_dist: 255 to the config file - klipper says this is not expected.

The printer works fine otherwise, I just need to restart the firmware after every print…

klippy.log (1.9 MB)

Sounds a bit like the discussion here: Delta: Incorrect position boundary checks · Issue #2457 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

Yes, sound like my issue. In which section of the config do you place the “Print_radius_taper: True”? I assume under printer and this then stops boundary checking? The endstops will still stop out of range moves?

This is still an open discussion. Nothing has been implemented as of now

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any further work on improving homing on a rotary delta.

The issue occurs when the toolhead is close to the bottom of the printer when the G28 is issued.

If you are manually homing, you should just be able to issue G28 again and it should succeed in the second home attempt. If you are homing from a macro, you might want to command the toolhead to move close to the top of the printer before issuing the G28.
