Firmware.bin not flashed

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ratrig V Core 3.1 500
MCU / Printerboard: STM32F446 BTT Octopus Pro
klippy.log (318.7 KB)

Describe your issue:

After a failed attempt at configuring klipper to use ebb36 via CanBoot, I decided to reinstall ratos from scratch but at end of install klippy cant establish a connection with the mcu and the firmware.bin file doesn’t transfer to the octopus pro.
Connected the board via STM32 Cube programmer and uploaded firmware, but made no difference.

in putty, ls /dev/serial/by-id gives ls: cannot access ‘/dev/serial/by-id’: No such file or directory

Can anyone tell me how to restore the octopus firmware / canbus setting back to factory settings?

Build a proper firmware file, e.g. by following BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/Firmware/Klipper at master · bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0 · GitHub

Thanks Sineos.

The link was exactly what I needed, Downloaded bootloader.hex file and all working as it should