Fluid and Mainsail Won't connect to Moonraker

I was trying to get KAPM to work and I deleted the # in front of the text that says Set to ‘True’ if you use KAMP. I had previously changed the command to ‘True’ below that line, but the config files weren’t showing up (I did install them though the root SSH). I clicked save and restart and now Mainsail is saying ‘Cannot connect to Moonraker’ and Fluidd is saying ‘502 Bad Gateway’. It advised to check the logs, but I can’t even access the page to do this. I’ve read other topics similar(ish) to this issue and everyone asks for the logs… but I have no idea where to type ~/printer_data/logs/moonraker.log to get them. I’ve tried in the SSH, web browser and file browser on my PC. I’m running a nebula pad and it was all working before I did this

I should also mention that i’m a complete novice and did all this by closely following guidance videos and articles… so speak to be like a noob :slight_smile:

ok I found the log any help would be appreciated. :

platform: Linux-4.4.94-mips-with-glibc2.0
data_path: /usr/data/printer_data
is_default_data_path: False
config_file: /usr/data/printer_data/config/moonraker.conf
backup_config: /usr/data/printer_data/config/.moonraker.conf.bkp
verbose: False
debug: False
asyncio_debug: False
is_backup_config: False
is_python_package: False
instance_uuid: 314b5ad8857b48c8991553bf36c09ee6
unix_socket_path: /usr/data/printer_data/comms/moonraker.sock
software_version: v0.9.3-4-ga4604e3
git_branch: master
git_remote: origin
git_repo_url: GitHub - Arksine/moonraker: Web API Server for Klipper
log_file: /usr/data/printer_data/logs/moonraker.log
python_version: 3.8.2 (default, Jul 4 2023, 21:21:56) [GCC 7.2.0]
launch_args: /usr/data/moonraker/moonraker-env/bin/python /usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker.py -d /usr/data/printer_data
msgspec_enabled: False
uvloop_enabled: False
2020-03-01 20:00:17,632 [server.py:launch_server()] - Server Config Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py”, line 1081, in _parse_file
self._write_buffer(buffer, file_path)
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py”, line 991, in _write_buffer
self.config.read_string(“\n”.join(buffer), fpath.name)
File “/usr/lib/python3.8/configparser.py”, line 723, in read_string
self.read_file(sfile, source)
File “/usr/lib/python3.8/configparser.py”, line 718, in read_file
self._read(f, source)
File “/usr/lib/python3.8/configparser.py”, line 1113, in _read
raise e
configparser.ParsingError: Source contains parsing errors: ‘moonraker.conf’
[line 8]: “Set to ‘True’ if you use KAMP\n”

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/server.py”, line 551, in launch_server
server = Server(app_args, log_manager, eventloop)
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/server.py”, line 86, in init
self.config = config = self._parse_config()
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/server.py”, line 164, in _parse_config
config = confighelper.get_configuration(self, self.app_args)
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py”, line 1116, in get_configuration
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py”, line 1101, in read_file
self._parse_file(main_conf, )
File “/usr/data/moonraker/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py”, line 1092, in _parse_file
raise ConfigError(f"Error Reading Config: ‘{file_path}’") from e
moonraker.confighelper.ConfigError: Error Reading Config: ‘/usr/data/printer_data/config/moonraker.conf’

  1. Please attach the full and unmodified log
  2. KAMP is no longer needed as adaptive meshing is supported in Klipper directly
  3. It seems you added KAMP code to moonraker.conf instead of printer.cfg

I’ve fixed it now, It seems like I had also enabled the time-lapse function which seemed to be creating an error as well, although it wasn’t reporting it #'ed this and it’s now up and running again. thanks for your help