Homing switches repeatability

Printer Model: FLSUN V400
MCU / Printerboard: Nano V2.1
klippy ver. v0.10.0-455-ge002f0cf

A/B/C heights on Delta printer after calibration does not match,… After each calibration are values in settings very different.
Optical sensors are free of dust, belts are equally tightened. Issue start to occur in middle of January, since than time I didn’t need to print 250mm+ stuff.

As a result while printing larger objects, on one side is material thickness 0.14 and on another 0.2 third 0.18 - It changes after each calibration. Here are values after consequent Calibration:

A 417.64076 417.539395 417.86338 417.776947 417.74841
B 417.98316 418.006589 418.15556 417.896028 417.74841
C 418.505588 418.538443 418.673424 418.181783 418.326643