I tend to print long (many hours) prints wirth manual color/filament changes. When these occur at night, I have a choice of setting extended timeouts for the motors and hotends [which I don’t think is great for the machine], or of starting over because there is no way to reliably resume after a motor timeout.
Specifically, I can usually do X-home and Y-home, but my CR-Touch equipped printer wants to force x and y home when I command z-home. Normally, this is fine, but in a “disaster recovery” scenario, I’d like the option to do the x and y home commangs, then position the hotend with “move” commands to a safe place, and do a z-home there [understanding that it might be off a mm or more due to bed unevenness]. It would be nice if there was a way to do this even if the default behavior is to force x and y home before z-home.
Have you tried :
Is it that what you have been looking for?