Im lost trying to set up stock ender 6

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 6
:Raspberry pi 4b

klippy(2).log (198.7 KB)

im lost iv followed several different guides but cannot get my printer connected to klipper. i get to where i have to flash the firmware and i cant tell if it flashes or not but in kiauh undr the get mcu it says nothing connected to usb and uart says ttyAMA0 but still throw a error saying cannot connect to mcu please help me someone im so tired of trying to figure this out

Describe your issue:


Try a different usb cable?


Have you checked the serial in [mcu]?

i have tried several different cables and still nothing

how would i check the serial in mcu? sorry im still learning how to do all of this

Here is a how to:

it says
pi@pi:~ $ ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
ls: cannot access ‘/dev/serial/by-id/*’: No such file or directory

It seems your printer does not appear with your Pi.

Experience showed: Always try one USB cable more.

Actually, there are a lot of power only USB cables around and the data cables can not be easily distinguished.

i just went and bought a new cable and still no luck. does it matter which usb port im connecting it to on the pi?

Usually It does not matter.

Have you been able to upload the Klipper firmware part to the Pi?

i flashed the pi with raspberry pi os then i used kiauh and installed klipper mainsail and moonraker

what does it mean when i the get mcu id and if i click uart it comes up as mcu#1 ttyAMA0

See above Im lost trying to set up stock ender 6 - #6 by EddyMI3D
Just read it, if you have problems to understand the manual, ask here.

Good luck, hcet14

Re-flash your board following the instructions given here Installation - Klipper documentation and especially carefully observing the information on top of klipper/printer-creality-ender6-2020.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub