Motor and controller issues

As most of you know, I am using stepper/servo’s for xy drive. This apparently does away with IS, as I am now moving an Ender5plus at 10x the speeds it could move w/o layer shifts OOTB. One of the parts I’m making has text engraved on the sides that OOTB at 15mm/sec could not be read due to ringing, is now plain text at 125+mm/sec. This is the result of much better motor position control. 3 advantages: 1, motor current is modulated by the instant error, millisecond by millisecond, so motors don’t run burn your hand hot. 2, much more precise motor positioning, as in an overshoot motion is detected and corrected by actually changing the direction pin to reverse the motor and stop it much faster than just letting it bounce on the springs of the magnetic field. 3, because the motor current is determined by the error, the controller is free to bang the motor with everything the supply has in the event of a big error to prevent it from becoming a layer shift. These comments are valid ONLY for the stepper/servo’s using optical encoders. The time lags that occur in the translation of a hall effect encoder into the ABZ signals of an optical encoder means the 42C series of motors cannot move smoothly. Stopped, they are very accurate but will move in big steps if asked to move slowly. More as this saga continues. Thanks for reading.

@gene1934 :

Please write structured. These vast text blocks are no fun to read.

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[EddyMI3D] EddyMI3D
October 12

@gene1934 :

Please write structured. These vast text blocks are no fun to read.

Fix this sw so that a separate “post” button click submits it. As is a
return key submits it and it will likely need corrections in spelling
and such before I press a return which submits it. S/B separate
functions. That is why you get a wall of text. Constantly re-editing and
re-submission is a PITA. Separating the functions of editing and
submission would give us all the tools needed to fix a wall of text.

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Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

@gene1934 How this is related to the topic?

B.t.w.: By using conventional steppers and stepper drivers I’m able to achieve 300 mm/sec printing speed and 400 mm/sec traveling speed.

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I’m not running that fast yet. My last attempt to start a print failed at layer 2, due to excessive flow, exacerbated by there being about 51 copies on the bed of a butterfly joint the woodworkers use. I’m going to recompose it for fewer copies further apart for the next try.

Using prusaslicer 2.8.1, the speed between start/brim is too slow compare to layer2 and up, if I optimize flow then, its way to much for the higher layers. Somewhere there s/b a setting that brings those starting speeds are made more to the more normaize layer 2 & up but I’ve not found it yet.

I have two handles here, as I am also WOWElectronics. IDK how that got switched.

Please do not attempt to hijack this thread.

You post does not relate to the issue of running two SPI busses on a Manta M8P.

@limefrog showed pictures of how he was mounting the ADXL345 accelerator on his printer.

If you want to post about what you are doing; great, just don’t do it here.


I’m experimenting today, started out with 50 copies of a butterfly plugin but too close to each other on plate, briums touching which prusaslicer seems to dislike, destroyed by 2nd layer start. extra plastic on the bed & hanging off the hotend by the CC.

Reduced to 6 butterfly’s & spread them out. Using petg I’ve pushed brim up from 12mm default to 30 + speed, putting these stepper/servo motors in ballistic mode where steps smooth out, and the remainder to 400% in fluid. decent build, seeing over 300mm speeds now and then. Raised the bed temp to 90C early, seemed to smooth up brim and 1st layer. Small parts, not room enough to see real max speed.

Machine and cheap table dancing like a sailor full of ritalin. ;o)>

Progress. But I may have to build a better table.

What location is suitable?

@gene1934 :

Just a new thread - that easy.

With all the requested information.

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May I suggest this one:

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? Like this?

[mykepredko] mykepredko
October 13

But that’s wood, which I also work with. I make these out of petg to
assemble printed petg parts. A huge leg vise for the woodworkers
workbench. Something once built that is better than existing designs.
And will outlast me by another 100 years if cared for and handed down
from father to son over many generations.

I also hope to drive the state of the art in the 3d printer scene to
using the next generation of motors by my findings. Input Shaping isn’t


What location is suitable?

May I suggest this one:

An unfortunate wording of those 4 words, Myke. I meant which channel on
this forum which concentrates on 3d printers driven by Kevin’s Klipper
is the more suitable for discussing motors and/or controllers. Motors
far more power efficient and precisely controlled than the pure steppers
now universally used.

I don’t intend to ruffle feathers, but I do intend to teach.

Take care Myke.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

@EddyMI3D May I politely request to outsource Genes posts and answers related to them into a new thread?

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@gene1934 !

Please open your own thread!


I would have moved out Gene’s posts to a new thread but for whatever reason Discourse is bluntly telling me “An error occured” :person_shrugging:

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Please suggest a channel within the klippr realm… my msgs are basically
about motor and controller tech. non hall effect encoded motors and
matching controllers

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

Just create a new thread in the “General Discussion” category.

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@Sineos Thank you for trying.

I tried too :wink:


Hey, why did it work for you and not for me?!? This is outrageous! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: